Happy International Widows Day 2024! All those years ago in 2013 I discovered this day by chance (or not). The plight of widows word wide is unthinkable to me lucky to be a queer widow living in Canada. In places like Nigeria, Israel, Uganda, India (40 million alone), Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan widows can be met by social death, ostracization, poverty, slavery, humiliation, illness, violence and sexual assault. This also makes their children at risk. However it has been determined that widows in Afghanistan are actually in the worst predicament. That’s why I have decided that today, as my book has now been released on amazon I will donate $2 for every book purchased going to Heart for Widows! FYI did you know that the name Kelly in Irish/Scottish means Warrior?!!!
Send me a screen shot to brave.creative.kelly@gmail.com with your name and proof of your donation and Captain Grief will warp speed it to them! To order your kindle edition of The High-Flying Adventures of Captain Grief click Widows Unite and have a read listen! Thank you for supporting this humanitarian cause! I would tell Captain Grief to slap you on the back but that would be dangerous!
thanks for the info!