Kelly: Sometimes it takes a villain to get the job done. By that I mean Ann Hathaways’ sultry performance as Cat Woman in The Dark Knight Rises. Sometimes we have to give the “bad guys” some love too. Without a villain there would be no need for a corresponding hero.
Captain Grief: No surprise you start with Ann Hathaway, your thing for her is almost famous!
Kelly: Quiet you. Julie Newmar is a legend but Ann is next level. Just as she says, HER version of it!

Captain Grief: So why are you all hot to trot about the baddies? You going to the dark side?
Kelly: They certainly have motivation and commitment, and they’re not ALL bad.
Captain Grief: Who says? They’re just a bunch of felons and crooks!
Kelly: Or you could call them anti-heroes.
Captain Grief: So what does that change?
Kelly: Well, take you for instance.
Captain Grief: Pardon??
Kelly: You are a little unorthodox, messy, temperamental, moody, destructive, erratic and really quite rude…
Captain Grief: Okay, okay you drove the point home.
Kelly: …but you certainly get the job done.
Captain Grief: So let me get this straight. In this new equation I am the “not so bad anti-hero” that represented a threat to contend with?

Break for a Cat Stretch
Kelly: I wouldn’t say that. Loss is the big bad in our case, you were the inspiration to kick its ass.
Captain Grief: Oh like I motivated you to make a commitment?
Kelly: Exactly.
Captain: So can I also motivate you to bake me one of those flourless chocolate tortes?

Kelly’s famous Chocolate Flourless Torte
Kelly: Dream on.
Captain Grief: How about a BLT with hot sauce, heavy on the bacon?
Kelly: Don’t push it nefarious. Go to Subway Sandwiches like everyone else.
Captain Grief: You’re a bit evil.
Kelly: Oh yeah?
Captain Grief: Your version of it, I like it! Break out the cat suit.
Kelly: I think I’ll just look at Ann.
Captain Grief: Perv.
Villains Need Love